Monday, September 5, 2016
Beginning of the End of Internet Explorer
Beginning of the End of Internet Explorer

This is gonna be the goodbye message to Internet Explorer (IE) from Marks PC Solution. Released with Windows 95, Internet Explorer is still holding the position of default browser in Windows Operating Systems. After running for the 20 years, Internet Explorer is now too old to use.
Windows 10 (Technical Preview) users are still using Internet Explorer 11. But in Windows 10 Consumer Preview, Internet Explorer may no longer be available. Currently Microsoft is developing a new browser with the codename Spartan. If the codename is not changed, then Spartan will be the default browser of Windows 10.
What Does the Word Spartan Mean?
The citizen of Sparta is called Spartan. Sparta was a prominent city in ancient Greece. But I really dont know where the codename Spartan come from.

Why Microsoft is Terminating the IE?
In fact, the termination of Internet Explorer is the demand of time. As I mentioned in my browser review post, Internet Explorer is losing market share to Chrome and Firefox, so its really difficult for Microsoft to increase its popularity.
During the last 4/ 5 years, Windows users have stopped using IE. And most of the web developers have also stopped maintaining the IE standards. Thats why IE users are facing security and incompatibility issues.
When people get something new, they become interested to it. Most of the people of the web (Not Me) now love to hate Internet Explorer. Thats why there is only one way open to Microsoft - Termination!
But one source said, Microsoft will keep Internet Explorer along with brand new browser Spartan.
How will be the Spartan?
Microsoft hasnt shared anything about Spartan yet. In fact, the rumor about the new browser has been spread by the tech sites. As signaled by most of the sources, Spartan will be much more different from Internet Explorer. It will enhance the users browsing experience.
- Much more similar to Chrome & Firefox (Not like IE)
- Faster and lighter browsing experience
- More convenient browsing interface than IE
Whats Really Gonna Happen?
Everything we are getting about Spartan on the web are sill vague. Because Microsoft hasnt declared anything officially. And the project is just codenamed as Spartan. Just 3 days later, on January 21, Microsoft is gonna host a press meeting about Windows 10 Consumer Preview.
On that meeting, hopefully we should know something about the new browser . . . :)
Also check - Internet Explorer Version History
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